Thursday, July 24, 2008

Doctors cannot have freedom!

***Warning, you are approaching sarcasm. If you are allergic to sarcasm or do not understand it, please leave immediately. Thank you.***

The stupidity of people to think that a Dr. should be allowed to choose what he or she does or doesn't do is absurd. To think that people would want to allow a Dr. to choose whether or not they wish to help a patient in a certain way is crazy. Let me back up, there is a bill in Congress that would allow a Dr. to not prescribe birth control because it can induce the death of an unborn baby.


What do these doctors think they are? How could they get the idea that they can hold beliefs and act on them? I'm sorry, but if a doctor doesn't want to do stuff that they think is "immoral" then they should go find another profession. Heck, next thing you know, they'll let doctors not use leeches if they want, or not do blood letting, lobotomies, or shock therapy.

What's next? We need to stand up and say to our Congress, "Enough is enough." We need to have all hospitals become government run and then doctors would be employees of the state. The government does an excellent job with retirement, roads, etc, so why not let them take care of our bodies as well? Then we can force these bastard doctors, who think they have any right to deny a woman from killing her baby if she wants to, to do what the public wants them to do. Power to the vocal minority!!!

***End sarcasm***

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Weekend Project: Make a Fireball Shooter

All I can say to this, is that I know what project I want to do with the kids for science next week... :)

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Church of Oprah Exposed

I've seen another video about this type of stuff before, but this one is really good. I remember in the early 90's watching Oprah with my Mom on our couch and seeing the entire episode that they showed a clip of where Oprah says, "There can't possibly be only one way to God." The truths intertwined with the lies in her ministry are amazing. Only the father of lies could lead off with such an amazing mix and twist of truth and falsehoods.

Why make it entirely a lie? Why do we have to go to the extremes that cults do? We don't, have the lies be subtle and slid in there to sound like tolerance and peace. That's how to snare something. Like when you hunt with traps. You don't go and get the biggest, nastiest, most gruesome trap. Even if it would be more effective in the trapping, it will not catch as many and the important part is not the deadliness of the snare, but the attractiveness that will bring more to the snare to be caught. They'll still gnaw their own legs off and be dinner.

I recommend that if you think Oprah is anything other than a false prophet, an anti-christ (not THE Anti-Christ, but someone who deceives people away from Christ) then watch this video...

Friday, July 11, 2008

The Bare Necessities

This must be where I learned to love to eat ants. Whatever happened to great movies that taught lessons? Stuff like being happy with what you have and not wanting more than you really need.  Man, this is a great movie, reminds me of my grandpa.

Embedded Video

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Tuesday, July 01, 2008

I am so ashamed...

I have watched a Uwe Boll film. I didn't know it was one, but I watched it. The film is In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale.  I am not ashamed for watching a movie created by such a hack of a director. The one director who has done more to harm video game movies than any single man alive. I am ashamed because... I liked it. It was a well done movie. I could see the twists and most of the story coming from a mile away, but it was still done well. This is, by no means, some movie I am recommending to many people. It is a swords and sorcery fantasy movie. But if you like those types of movies, this is a good one...

I am ashamed...
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Chad Robison...

One of my old friends (I still consider him one) had a crazy idea and just put it into action. He's always been like that. He gets a crazy idea and just does it. So, I want to share his idea, it's called 52 weeks. He's writing a song every week, for a year. The first one is up and I hope you'll go download it, cause it's really good.  I'm sure he'll have some that aren't as good... well, he's sure, but I have faith that this will be a good thing.  Anyway, the site is 52 Weeks and you should go check it. 

Each song will only be available each week, so no going back if you miss this one. And "Just a Little Bit of You" is not one you should miss.

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Firefly Beginning

So, this is just the intro, but if you haven't watched this show and you like entertaining TV, westerns, or sci-fi, you'll love it. Check it out free on or buy the DVDs, or borrow mine.

Here Come the Drums - Doctor Who Video

Ok, I know I said no more posting YouTube Videos, but I was just viewing some old Dr. Who videos (during lunch) and ran across this. It may be one of my favorite episodes, especially this part and this song. So I figured I'd link it and let everyone know about it. Watch Dr. Who!!!! It's awesome. One of the top 3 shows on TV, probably above Lost and Heroes for me... may be number 1... Anyway, check out the video, the song is energizing.

Monday, May 26, 2008

I do not like Hillary Clinton

I do, however, defend her on the difficulties given to her by the media. Especially recently. She made a statement about how long past Democratic Primaries have run and referenced the assassination of Kennedy. While some consider this at the least a misstep, I would say, why? She in no way inferred that Kennedy was allegorically linked to Obama during her response. In fact, the prior and post comments didn't seem to mention him at all. But some think that this "slip up," if it is one, is a big deal.

She's apologized for it, though she probably didn't need to, and any logical person with all the facts would see that she didn't mean any harm, but unfortunately that's not who's playing it on TV everyday. No. Instead we have what Orson Wells called "The Thought Police."

Ok, maybe that's a little harsh; they don't read anyone's thoughts and subject them to a penalty because of it. Instead, they take what they said, pull what they want out of it, shape it to seem like what they want it to seem like, then present it to the masses, most of whom do not have the patience, time, intelligence, attention, or something (distracted by the kids as you half-listen to the news) to discern whether or not their deductions or insinuations are correct.

No, we blindly and naively listen to this drivel and accept it as pure fact. When you start thinking about it, how much of the news is even fact? How do you know? I mean, I believe there was an Earthquake in China, I believe that many died and were injured, and I believe the news told the truth, but I don't know. It's not a proven fact to me. I didn't see it, feel it, hear from those who did, or even see video of it happening (not that such stuff doesn't exist). But, while that is unlikely to be something the news would make up, what about the war?

Is everything they propose about the war true? Do so many soldiers die? How many Iraqis die? What are the circumstances of those deaths (soldiers and civilians)? Do we know that John McCain really had enough votes to be the Republican Candidate? I didn't count the ballots, nor did anyone I know, or trust.

Anyway, I'm not proposing that the earthquake didn't happen, or McCain didn't win (though I'd still like to see it...), or that so many soldiers are not really dying. I'm proposing that we just be more skeptical when we watch what these strangers bring into our home(they are strangers, unless you know them in person, and even then, the news is often written by someone else, so they're just reading it off the tele-prompter; do you know the one who writes it? or reports it from Reuters or wherever?).

If some Joe Schmoe came down the street, suit and tie, and told you that your house was on fire, would you believe him? What if he told you stuff everyday and some of it was true, and some wasn't?

Thursday, May 22, 2008

My Great-Grandmother...

My mom sent me this video and I've watched it a few times. Seeing my Great-Grandmother singing in bed, like this... Well, I can feel it... but there are no words for it.

Short story... with a good lesson...

This is not original, but something a colleague of mine, Jeff, experienced.

He was in Caribbean with a few of his buddies. They were on a business trip but had a day or two off, so on one of those days, they decided to go fishing in the Mediterranean. Asking at the hotel front desk about a good boat, they heard about Captain Luke. He owned his own boat and fishing tour company. They called and made arrangements to leave early in the morning.

The trip was wonderful. The fisherman had everything they needed, lunch was provided, the cost was low, and they all caught some great fish (some of which became lunch). The days passed and they couldn't stop thinking about the trip. However, they saw Captain Luke often, sleeping on a bench outside a bar, drinking in town with the locals, strolling down the boardwalk, laying on the beach. He never seemed to be working.

Well, Jeff's friend, Tom, was a little put off by this. "This man could be making a lot of money. He seems so lazy!" By the end of the trip, Tom had enough. He'd seen the boat docked in the harbor the entire time they were there and knew Captain Luke had not been working, so he approached him.

"Captain Luke, why are you so lazy? My friends and I could fly you up to New York, we could take what you have here and market it throughout the east and west coast, maybe the world. This franchise could make us all a fortune. Why don't you come to New York with us?"

"Well, Tom, I'm not too worried about money. Why would I want to do that?"

"Well, Captain, so you can make a whole bunch of money, so when you're older you can retire, not worry about money, move to the Caribbean, fish when you want, drink, and lay out on the beach."

So far it's been 3 days...

I'm starting my fourth day of posting... and praying when my phone reminds me. It's been going well. I highly recommend it. I mean, we spend so much on these technologies, why not use them to improve our lives in the best way possible? Improving our relationship with God.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Christians are not allowed to think...

Just because you live by faith, it does NOT mean you cannot think for yourself and learn and grow. There are those who believe that Christians just give up thinking when they become Christians and Christians who believe that faith is "better" than thinking. I would contend that not only are Christians allowed to think, but they must. Also, thinking and using intellect is not "better" than using faith, it's just different.

Science, true science, not the quasi-religion some call science, was created by Christians. Believers, during the dark-ages, developed the scientific process of proposing a hypothesis, testing your hypothesis, and coming to a conclusion. If it is not possible to consistently reproduce an experiment, its results are negated. This is logic at its finest. This is why our human brains were given to us by God.

Those Christians who follow blindly by faith are blessed. However, just because you believe that way, doesn't mean you have to live that way. Christianity is a defensible religion. Through archeology, we can prove the veracity of the history provided by the Bible. Through astronomy, we can see that the saints were right when saying that the heavens are so far beyond our reach. Through geography, we see that the world is round and it is a wheel within a wheel... I mean, how long before we new that the solar system was a wheel? And how much longer before we knew that that wheel was one of many inside the galaxy? Our own Milky-Way, a wheel.

Not long if you listen to the Word of God, however, proven through science.

I mentioned the quasi-religion science has become and the second to last episode of Eli Stone this first season, drilled this home for me. In this episode, the facts of this scientist's predictions and the fact that his "crazy" machine worked was not enough to close down the Golden Gate Bridge. Instead, the "crazy" science had to be "widely accepted by most of the scientific community" therefore giving the "scientific community" an almost Vatican-like power to say what is or isn't true, real, and believable.

I'm not one who believes every crack-pot scientist out there, but I don't believe that science or Christianity should be invaded and ruined by outside powers that tell us, this is the way it is. The Word of God is infallible, we, as men, are not. This does not mean that the sun actually rises, nor does it mean that a carburetor that gives us 200 mpg is sitting in some yokel's garage. What it does mean is that the Bible is true (even within its symbolism, when viewed as such), and science is, by definition, true, therefore it must be of God. Unfortunately it is only a way to view God's infinite truths through the eyes of whatever man found it.

Anyway, I just wanted to rant and started somewhere and ended here. Thanks for joining me on my journey to wherever I am now, I doubt I'm done with this subject, but it'll likely come up in pieces of other ones...

Those were my thoughts and feelings only, I do not claim to be a scientist or theologian. I simply believe in both things.

Monday, May 19, 2008

The "Real" Reality...

What is it? I don't mean existentially, I mean, stuff like: "Do we all see black as the same color?" "Do we all see things right-side-up?" or even "Is left, left to all of us?" I mean, what if I looked in your eyes and from my view it was backwards, upside-down and colored weird? I don't know.

Should we really be so judgmental when we don't know what others see? We can hardly understand their thought processes. I mean, when any one of us is cut off in traffic, do we react the same way each time? I don't. If I'm angry I'm more aggressive, if I'm calm, I usually just shrug it off. So, if we can't predict how we'll act, can we effectively predict others' actions? Or even judge them when they occur?

What if a guy walks by you, wearing dirty overalls, looking down, with a disgruntled look on his face, and he bumps your arm? Now, what if an old lady did it as she shuffled past? Ok, one more, what if it was a teenager, laughing and smiling the whole time? Now think about that.. . What if the man had just lost his wife and was upset, but didn't even notice he bumped you? What if the old lady was bitter toward the world and did it on purpose? What if the teenagers were just excited because they were accepted into the local college and got Federal help?

I don't know about you, but at first I'd be pretty upset with the man and the teens, but the old lady, not so much. Of course, if then think about how the truth could be so different from what you perceive and how things aren't what they seem... Well, I guess I was wrong to knock that old man down after he stepped on my foot. But it hurt.

Hopefully this becomes a trend...

I will be attempting to post regularly in my blog. I was with the Church this weekend and felt compelled to share what's going on in my life. I know, logically, that only my wife, mother, and sister will likely read this, but that's ok. If these posts do anything for them or anyone else, I'll be grateful, however, I will be posting them for myself and God.

Anyway, onto the actual post...

I have set my phone to bug me four times a day to remind me to pray. It just buzzed me for the first time a few minutes ago. I have been wanting to have more time to pray and think about God, however I get so caught up in work, play, etc. that I forget about doing it. So my phone will be buzzing me at 10, 2, 6, and 10, every day. I enjoy it already. :)

Onto this past weekend...

At the Cove, Mike was speaking about attending the weekend services and how you need to not only show up, but pray-up, pay-up, and a few other cheesy -up phrases. I really like the pray-up part. I've never realized that the services aren't really like a show. Our culture is so entertainment oriented and receptive-oriented, that I have always attended thinking, "What will God show me today?" instead of "This will be training time well spent." That's how I will attempt to view the weekend services now, as training time. Fellowship is a great word, but training covers it better (for my mind).

Anyway, I plan to post more regularly and it won't be anything like my previous posts, not that I won't possible post an occasional YouTube video or something, but I'll be posting stuff more personal and text-based. :) I may not post every day, but I may post more than once a day, at times, so I hope any who read this will get something out of it, I know I will.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Little Big Planet... preview...

This is the first must-have game on the PS3. I know some people may say, "But what about MGS 4? That's going to be the system seller." Well, to those people I say, "Bullocks!" I'll be buying the PS3 when MGS4 comes out, cause I know I want it, but if this weren't coming out in September and it weren't for FFXIII, I wouldn't buy the PS3. However! I would buy this system for this game alone first. This will be the game that brings in the non-hardcore audience to the PS3 and that's what it needs.
Anyway, check this video out. You can build these crazy levels and play multiplayer, how much better does it get? Tons of simple physics applied to all the objects and characters and suddenly you have the recipe for ultimate fun. Did you see the giant cog? What about the guy balancing on the ball? And that skateboard? I'm more excited about this game than any other coming out this year (except GTAIV)
What are you doing still reading this? No one reads my blog, go watch the video!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008