Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Quick Update....

Those of you who know me, know I love writing. Well, after a several month hiatus (by choice, not lack of creativity or anything else) I am back at it... in addition to the poetry and blog stories, I am now working on Exodus, officially.

I'm trying something new from the previous novel (yes, for those of you who liked The Dark Lands, it will be rewritten and published, God-willing) and instead of trying to write an excellent novel and then go back over it with rounds and rounds of polish, I'm writing it quick and dirty and trying to get it finished quickly.

I then plan to sand it down and shape it and polish it just as much. I think I'll get a more cohesive and better flowing first draft this way. Plus, instead of worrying about grammar or spelling things correctly or any of that, I'll just type it in and fix it later.

It seemed to work well last night. I plan to write two times a week and hope to finish the first draft of the book this year. I have my birthday as an aggressive goal, but if it's not done until the 31st, that's ok too.

If anyone is interested in being in the first round of readers (probably draft 3, either around the end of this year or Spring of next year), let me know. Blog comments are probably best for that, but commenting on the Facebook note will probably work too.

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