Those of you who know me, know I love writing. Well, after a several month hiatus (by choice, not lack of creativity or anything else) I am back at it... in addition to the poetry and blog stories, I am now working on Exodus, officially.
I'm trying something new from the previous novel (yes, for those of you who liked The Dark Lands, it will be rewritten and published, God-willing) and instead of trying to write an excellent novel and then go back over it with rounds and rounds of polish, I'm writing it quick and dirty and trying to get it finished quickly.
I then plan to sand it down and shape it and polish it just as much. I think I'll get a more cohesive and better flowing first draft this way. Plus, instead of worrying about grammar or spelling things correctly or any of that, I'll just type it in and fix it later.
It seemed to work well last night. I plan to write two times a week and hope to finish the first draft of the book this year. I have my birthday as an aggressive goal, but if it's not done until the 31st, that's ok too.
If anyone is interested in being in the first round of readers (probably draft 3, either around the end of this year or Spring of next year), let me know. Blog comments are probably best for that, but commenting on the Facebook note will probably work too.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Laurence 3 (or The Man of Hope)
Despair was a ruthless place. Once. When people hoped enough to even be evil.
It used to be named Cutt Throat, but long ago, when the wells ran dry and the mines no longer shined, the town cleared out and those who remained fell into depression.
Caravans used to come through the towns and trade, but one day, they stopped, and left behind a new name for the town. Despair.
Laurence walked into town thirsty. The land was barren around it, almost a desert, and the few people he saw ignored him. So, Laurence did the only thing that made sense to him and walked into the bar.
"Water, please," he croaked.
"Sure, didn't think you'd spend any money," the bartender, a dirty, young woman, said.
"I'll pay," he said, and picked a coin out of his pocket.
"Gee, thanks," she took the coin and bit it with her two good teeth. "Real gold?"
"What's that you said?" An old man got up from a table, where his overweight body had begun to grow in a shape to fit into the small wooden chair he sat in.
Laurence didn't pay much attention as he downed the thick, warm water like it was a cool, clean spring. The others in the bar began to gather around him, though. Everyone wanted to see the gold he brought.
"Is that real?" one woman asked.
"Can't be, has to be a fake," another said.
"It is," the old man said. "Where'd you get this, boy?"
Laurence was surprised by all the commotion and looked around. Every eye was on him.
"I got it from my parents. We live in Safety. It's about 10 miles that way." He pointed East.
"Ain't no such town, and there ain't any town that way. Where'd you get it?" the old man pressed closer.
The crowd began to grow angry. Then another man, taller and younger, but still haggard, walked up. His hat had holes, and his badge was more than tarnished, but he was obviously the sheriff.
"Now, now, Mayor Danfield." The younger man put his hand on the older man's arm. "Leave the boy alone. He's obviously dehydrated and in need of some rest. Lyzzie, this gold piece he's given you ought to be enough to get him room and board for a couple of days, no?"
"Yessir, Sherrif Duwalt," the bartender, Lizzie, said. She smiled slightly and Laurence realized it was the first smile he'd seen since leaving Safety.
"Alright, Sheriff, but I'm talking to him tomorrow." Mayor Danfield looked from the Sheriff to Laurence. "First thing in the morning."
Lizzie showed Laurence to his room. A small, dirty room that smelled of cheese. He took off his boots and knelt to pray.
"Father, please give me the words to say to them. These people have nothing and a small piece of gold has seemed to give them hope. Let me show them the real hope You bring. Please bring glory to Your name here and let me be the salt and light for this town. I promise You I will stay here for as long as you need me to. Amen."
While Laurence slept, Mayor Danfield talked to a few other townsfolk about Laurence.
"Mayor, what do we do? This man has gold," Mrs. Ratner said.
Her husband agreed and added, "And he probably knows where more is too."
"Yeah," Mr. Waldorf said, "he must have more. He was probably out there burying his treasure. That's why he was so worn out."
More people tried to talk, but Mayor Danfield chimed in with the skills that earned him the title Mayor.
"Folks, we have been Despair too long. It's time we become Cutt Throat again. Who's with me?"
"But, Mayor, with all respect and honor, what if he is from Safety?" Lizzie asked.
"Safety doesn't exist, Darlin'. It's just a tale to get kids to sleep at night."
It used to be named Cutt Throat, but long ago, when the wells ran dry and the mines no longer shined, the town cleared out and those who remained fell into depression.
Caravans used to come through the towns and trade, but one day, they stopped, and left behind a new name for the town. Despair.
Laurence walked into town thirsty. The land was barren around it, almost a desert, and the few people he saw ignored him. So, Laurence did the only thing that made sense to him and walked into the bar.
"Water, please," he croaked.
"Sure, didn't think you'd spend any money," the bartender, a dirty, young woman, said.
"I'll pay," he said, and picked a coin out of his pocket.
"Gee, thanks," she took the coin and bit it with her two good teeth. "Real gold?"
"What's that you said?" An old man got up from a table, where his overweight body had begun to grow in a shape to fit into the small wooden chair he sat in.
Laurence didn't pay much attention as he downed the thick, warm water like it was a cool, clean spring. The others in the bar began to gather around him, though. Everyone wanted to see the gold he brought.
"Is that real?" one woman asked.
"Can't be, has to be a fake," another said.
"It is," the old man said. "Where'd you get this, boy?"
Laurence was surprised by all the commotion and looked around. Every eye was on him.
"I got it from my parents. We live in Safety. It's about 10 miles that way." He pointed East.
"Ain't no such town, and there ain't any town that way. Where'd you get it?" the old man pressed closer.
The crowd began to grow angry. Then another man, taller and younger, but still haggard, walked up. His hat had holes, and his badge was more than tarnished, but he was obviously the sheriff.
"Now, now, Mayor Danfield." The younger man put his hand on the older man's arm. "Leave the boy alone. He's obviously dehydrated and in need of some rest. Lyzzie, this gold piece he's given you ought to be enough to get him room and board for a couple of days, no?"
"Yessir, Sherrif Duwalt," the bartender, Lizzie, said. She smiled slightly and Laurence realized it was the first smile he'd seen since leaving Safety.
"Alright, Sheriff, but I'm talking to him tomorrow." Mayor Danfield looked from the Sheriff to Laurence. "First thing in the morning."
Lizzie showed Laurence to his room. A small, dirty room that smelled of cheese. He took off his boots and knelt to pray.
"Father, please give me the words to say to them. These people have nothing and a small piece of gold has seemed to give them hope. Let me show them the real hope You bring. Please bring glory to Your name here and let me be the salt and light for this town. I promise You I will stay here for as long as you need me to. Amen."
While Laurence slept, Mayor Danfield talked to a few other townsfolk about Laurence.
"Mayor, what do we do? This man has gold," Mrs. Ratner said.
Her husband agreed and added, "And he probably knows where more is too."
"Yeah," Mr. Waldorf said, "he must have more. He was probably out there burying his treasure. That's why he was so worn out."
More people tried to talk, but Mayor Danfield chimed in with the skills that earned him the title Mayor.
"Folks, we have been Despair too long. It's time we become Cutt Throat again. Who's with me?"
"But, Mayor, with all respect and honor, what if he is from Safety?" Lizzie asked.
"Safety doesn't exist, Darlin'. It's just a tale to get kids to sleep at night."
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Ramblings of Today
So, I'm going to write a new book. I know, I know. I'll get back to The Dark Lands one day, with a major rewrite, but it's not the book for me to write any longer. So, I'm starting a new one. It's a science-fiction book. It kind of reminds me of Battle Star Galactica, and maybe some Firefly and Star Gate in there too. Of course, any other space-based science fiction series could be related to any other, so we could throw in Star Wars, and maybe Star Trek, though much less utopian than that.
I'm not saying anymore other than the working title of the series, "Exodus", at the moment. I'll be beginning the first chapter this week, and those of you who would like to read the beta, please let me know (commenting about it on my actual blog is the best way, it sends me an email and I will see it... other methods, I'll try to pay attention to).
I will continue to post poetry on my blog as it comes to me (all poetry posted is mine, unless I attribute it otherwise, and is a first draft. I write it directly to the blog). I'll also continue updates and make a facebook page, but only after the first couple chapters are finished, or the first draft... if it goes quickly.
I'm not saying anymore other than the working title of the series, "Exodus", at the moment. I'll be beginning the first chapter this week, and those of you who would like to read the beta, please let me know (commenting about it on my actual blog is the best way, it sends me an email and I will see it... other methods, I'll try to pay attention to).
I will continue to post poetry on my blog as it comes to me (all poetry posted is mine, unless I attribute it otherwise, and is a first draft. I write it directly to the blog). I'll also continue updates and make a facebook page, but only after the first couple chapters are finished, or the first draft... if it goes quickly.
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
The Rock
I fall,
Rock breaks me and I become pieces.
What other could be this?
No other, for He is.
There is no sand that believes this,
Or leaves that will feel missed,
For I know who He is.
I watch,
What of the branches the Rock trims?
They fall and He leaves them.
For they didn't know Him.
They're gone and their world spins.
We all know we have sins.
But I know, I know Him.
I share,
But they give Him no stock,
I claim Him and they mock.
My hope is in the Rock.
While time ticks down, tick-tock,
Comes to the end, my clock,
The only hope is Rock.
Rock breaks me and I become pieces.
What other could be this?
No other, for He is.
There is no sand that believes this,
Or leaves that will feel missed,
For I know who He is.
I watch,
What of the branches the Rock trims?
They fall and He leaves them.
For they didn't know Him.
They're gone and their world spins.
We all know we have sins.
But I know, I know Him.
I share,
But they give Him no stock,
I claim Him and they mock.
My hope is in the Rock.
While time ticks down, tick-tock,
Comes to the end, my clock,
The only hope is Rock.
Laurence 2 (or The Man Who Left)
Laurence continued down the road out of town, but Sammy didn't leave him. As he approached the edge of town, a small, white, picket fence crossed the road and stretched as far as he could see.
"The barrier," Sammy said.
Laurence was shaken. He didn't think it would actually be there.
"Will you still cross it?"
"Of course. It's only a fence and I can always come home when I'm done," Laurence said.
"No. You can't," said Sammy. "The barrier will not let you back in. If you go, you will give up your family. You will never see your mother or father again."
Laurence placed his hand on the fence, hesitating.
"It's tough," Sammy said as she put her hand on his shoulder.
He shook away immediately and looked hard at her. "I will go, Sammy. You cannot keep me here like you do all the others. I'll give up anything for what He asks me."
Laurence hopped over the fence and looked back.
Sammy was gone.
The fence was gone.
He couldn't even see the town in the distance, just fields with a road running through it.
Laurence was on his own.
He continued walking down the road until he came to the small town of Despair.
"The barrier," Sammy said.
Laurence was shaken. He didn't think it would actually be there.
"Will you still cross it?"
"Of course. It's only a fence and I can always come home when I'm done," Laurence said.
"No. You can't," said Sammy. "The barrier will not let you back in. If you go, you will give up your family. You will never see your mother or father again."
Laurence placed his hand on the fence, hesitating.
"It's tough," Sammy said as she put her hand on his shoulder.
He shook away immediately and looked hard at her. "I will go, Sammy. You cannot keep me here like you do all the others. I'll give up anything for what He asks me."
Laurence hopped over the fence and looked back.
Sammy was gone.
The fence was gone.
He couldn't even see the town in the distance, just fields with a road running through it.
Laurence was on his own.
He continued walking down the road until he came to the small town of Despair.
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
The Scene and the Herd
The scene begins, our man, he's there.
And yet, so is the Herd.
Our Hero speaks loudly, with great care.
The Herd will hear the Word.
They gather out front, surrounding the Voice.
He doesn't know if they will hear him.
He's telling the truth, he has no choice.
But some begin to fear him.
He proclaims it loud, "You all, take heed!"
But one begins to yell.
"Repent! For Jesus is all you need!"
"He says we're going to hell."
This is where the Scene turns grim,
For now he is no hero.
The Herd begins to turn on him,
Our man becomes a Martyr.
For some will listen to the truth,
And tolerate a time.
But most will hear just what they want,
And think that they're just fine.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
And yet, so is the Herd.
Our Hero speaks loudly, with great care.
The Herd will hear the Word.
They gather out front, surrounding the Voice.
He doesn't know if they will hear him.
He's telling the truth, he has no choice.
But some begin to fear him.
He proclaims it loud, "You all, take heed!"
But one begins to yell.
"Repent! For Jesus is all you need!"
"He says we're going to hell."
This is where the Scene turns grim,
For now he is no hero.
The Herd begins to turn on him,
Our man becomes a Martyr.
For some will listen to the truth,
And tolerate a time.
But most will hear just what they want,
And think that they're just fine.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Monday, May 31, 2010
Laurence (or The Man Who Didn't Stop)
Laurence was a walker. From the beginning, his mother couldn't keep him in a seat. His teachers sent complaints home regularly. He never learned to read, and many at his church didn't enjoy his walks up and down the aisles on Sundays. Many would turn to stare at him as if he were the devil.
He was a walker.
Before he graduated he knew it was time to walk. He wanted to find out where the sun set and what happened to the land at the end of the world. He would walk through valleys and over mountains. So he kissed his mother's tears, shook his father's hand and headed west.
He didn't get far before Sammy showed up.
"Whatcha doin', Laurence?" Sammy said.
"Just walkin'. How do you know my name?" he asked.
"I know a lot of names around here. But you know that if you keep walking you won't be safe anymore, right?" Sammy licked his lips, "I'm sure your parents told you about the barrier. Well, have fun."
Sammy turned to walk back to town.
"Wait. What barrier?"
"Oh, they didn't tell you? Well, there's a protection around here. If you leave it, you'll be in danger. You see, Laurence, not everyone out there is a church-goer. In fact, some of them are downright heathens and you don't want to be around them."
So Laurence began walking again. This confused Sammy for a moment, but he quickly caught up with Laurence and the two walked side-by-side.
"Didnt you hear me? I said-"
Laurence cut Sammy off, "Yes, I heard you. And don't think for a moment that just cause I ain't learned and just cause I'm still young that I don't know what this is all about."
"What do you mean?"
"All those years I was walking up and down the aisles at church, I saw you. Whispering in the ears of the ladies who stared at me like I was a freak. But I wasn't listening to you. I was listening to the preacher teach us about going, and I was preparing myself.
"Jesus put us here for one reason. And that one reason is to serve Him. He says 'Go' so I'm going, and you can stay here, Sammy."
to be continued...
He was a walker.
Before he graduated he knew it was time to walk. He wanted to find out where the sun set and what happened to the land at the end of the world. He would walk through valleys and over mountains. So he kissed his mother's tears, shook his father's hand and headed west.
He didn't get far before Sammy showed up.
"Whatcha doin', Laurence?" Sammy said.
"Just walkin'. How do you know my name?" he asked.
"I know a lot of names around here. But you know that if you keep walking you won't be safe anymore, right?" Sammy licked his lips, "I'm sure your parents told you about the barrier. Well, have fun."
Sammy turned to walk back to town.
"Wait. What barrier?"
"Oh, they didn't tell you? Well, there's a protection around here. If you leave it, you'll be in danger. You see, Laurence, not everyone out there is a church-goer. In fact, some of them are downright heathens and you don't want to be around them."
So Laurence began walking again. This confused Sammy for a moment, but he quickly caught up with Laurence and the two walked side-by-side.
"Didnt you hear me? I said-"
Laurence cut Sammy off, "Yes, I heard you. And don't think for a moment that just cause I ain't learned and just cause I'm still young that I don't know what this is all about."
"What do you mean?"
"All those years I was walking up and down the aisles at church, I saw you. Whispering in the ears of the ladies who stared at me like I was a freak. But I wasn't listening to you. I was listening to the preacher teach us about going, and I was preparing myself.
"Jesus put us here for one reason. And that one reason is to serve Him. He says 'Go' so I'm going, and you can stay here, Sammy."
to be continued...
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Crawling in my head
Gnawing at the little man there
Their claws dig in and won't let go
Dormant for so long
Why do they wake now
Was it a stirring from my rebirth
They want to move in to the spaces left
Spreading out and multiplying
But I have a Tenant and He needs space
He will not be denied
They're waking now, regularly
They ride the coat-tails of righteousness
They hold on and won't be shaken
Their claws are sharp
They slash at me and others around
Gashing my head and theirs
Settling in for a long stay
They're about to be surprised
My Tenant is smart
He knows how to clear them
My Tenant is strong
His words raise the dead
He doesn't want to share
And He shouldn't have to
I bow to Him and He knows
In my heart He is the only one allowed
The monsters are crawling, but not toward me
They're leaving my body alone
He fills the space and me inside
His mercy is a river
Gnawing at the little man there
Their claws dig in and won't let go
Dormant for so long
Why do they wake now
Was it a stirring from my rebirth
They want to move in to the spaces left
Spreading out and multiplying
But I have a Tenant and He needs space
He will not be denied
They're waking now, regularly
They ride the coat-tails of righteousness
They hold on and won't be shaken
Their claws are sharp
They slash at me and others around
Gashing my head and theirs
Settling in for a long stay
They're about to be surprised
My Tenant is smart
He knows how to clear them
My Tenant is strong
His words raise the dead
He doesn't want to share
And He shouldn't have to
I bow to Him and He knows
In my heart He is the only one allowed
The monsters are crawling, but not toward me
They're leaving my body alone
He fills the space and me inside
His mercy is a river
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
My Prayer for Prosperity...
I pray the Lord will work this message into my life and help me to see that I don't want money. I've never been much of a person to love money, but it's slipped its way into my life and I'm hating it.
I hate the way it fills itself.
Money is like a selfish, amorphous blob that will fill any area it is allowed into. The more you have and spend of it, the more you need to take care of what you have and spend. It's a vicious cycle that I am ready to stop. I understand now why Jesus used money as the counter-choice to God when He said that none can serve two masters.
It's because money has some similar characteristics to God. The affects, however, are disastrously opposite.
Anyway, those are my feelings and not what the sermon I'm linking is about. But it is about why the Recession. If you know what money is, I recommend listening as John Piper shares What Is the Recession For?
Also, if you like this sermon, or don't. Especially if you don't, here is where you can find more by him. Some are audio only, some are video. He's been preaching at Bethlehem since the 80s at least, and there are many many sermons there on all sorts of topics.
Main Page
Sermons by Date
Sermons by Topic
Ask Pastor John
Also, if you'd like, he mentioned this organization in the sermon linked above, and I would recommend their emails and/or the zine. Global Prayer Digest
I promise I'm not going to only post links, but I had to post these, because they are excellent. You can learn a lot about the God who Saves, and His word to us from this man He uses.
I hate the way it fills itself.
Money is like a selfish, amorphous blob that will fill any area it is allowed into. The more you have and spend of it, the more you need to take care of what you have and spend. It's a vicious cycle that I am ready to stop. I understand now why Jesus used money as the counter-choice to God when He said that none can serve two masters.
It's because money has some similar characteristics to God. The affects, however, are disastrously opposite.
Anyway, those are my feelings and not what the sermon I'm linking is about. But it is about why the Recession. If you know what money is, I recommend listening as John Piper shares What Is the Recession For?
Also, if you like this sermon, or don't. Especially if you don't, here is where you can find more by him. Some are audio only, some are video. He's been preaching at Bethlehem since the 80s at least, and there are many many sermons there on all sorts of topics.
Main Page
Sermons by Date
Sermons by Topic
Ask Pastor John
Also, if you'd like, he mentioned this organization in the sermon linked above, and I would recommend their emails and/or the zine. Global Prayer Digest
I promise I'm not going to only post links, but I had to post these, because they are excellent. You can learn a lot about the God who Saves, and His word to us from this man He uses.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Does James Contradict Paul? :: Desiring God Christian Resource Library
Does James Contradict Paul? :: Desiring God Christian Resource Library
Awesome short read on Faith and Works. Does the Bible contradict itself in this matter? Paul says we are justified by faith alone, but James says man is justified by works, and not by faith alone. James 2:14-26 and Romans 3:27-4:5
Short answer is, no. The Bible doesn't contradict itself. We are first justified by faith. No works as an empty, dying human can justify us to Christ. After we are first justified, though, faith does not remain alone. If it is living faith, it will produce works of love.
Read the link for the detailed, excellent essay on this difficult topic. (Easy read, and it explains it in a way anyone can understand)
Awesome short read on Faith and Works. Does the Bible contradict itself in this matter? Paul says we are justified by faith alone, but James says man is justified by works, and not by faith alone. James 2:14-26 and Romans 3:27-4:5
Short answer is, no. The Bible doesn't contradict itself. We are first justified by faith. No works as an empty, dying human can justify us to Christ. After we are first justified, though, faith does not remain alone. If it is living faith, it will produce works of love.
Read the link for the detailed, excellent essay on this difficult topic. (Easy read, and it explains it in a way anyone can understand)
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Oh How He Loved Us...
I've been thinking about God's Love recently and a few things have been brought to light.
We are taught that God is Love, right? And He is.
We are taught that He loves us more than we could ever love ourselves and His love is greater than the love shown by all of Creation. We are also to love Him more than we love anything or anyone else.
Thou shalt have no other god before Me. Right?
I want to make one thing clear, here. I'm of course, only talking to believers. The rest of you... well, this isn't written to you, but feel free to read it.
So, we shall have no other god, and love him with everything. Great. But what do we get in return?
God, who do you love the most?
Who do you think He loves most?
Well, let's look at this. Here's some evidence... He created us. He allows us to live as sinful, disdainful, horrible people. He sent His Son to be the One Atonement of our sins.
Hmmm, He seems to love us a lot, doesn't He?
But we already addressed that. He loves us more than we could possible imagine.
So who does He love the most?
Well, let's look at the evidence we have.
Was God lonely or sad or incomplete without us? Is that why He created us? No. Heaven forbid we think that. He was, is, always will be perfect, lovely, Holy, and complete.
So, He didn't need us.
Was He ok with our sin? Did He decide to just put up with it for the purpose of not having us be failures? No. Heaven forbid we think this, either. He hates our sin. He wants us to be perfect, like God the Son, Jesus, was, is, always will be. We can't live up to that, so His mercy grants us another breath, for now. But He does not and did not "put up with" our sin. He hates sin so much that when it was all poured on His perfect Son, He struck Him down and killed Him. Many humans will be going to hell because of not accepting this payment for our sins.
So, He didn't just say it's ok that we sin. He forgave us through a just and righteous payment.
Ok, so He loves us, but the evidence doesn't point to any reason. So why would He love us most if there is no reason? (btw, all reasoning is not the only reasoning you can pull from the Bible, but the reasoning most familiar with the modern American Christian)
Well, let's look at this.
What or who should He love most?
I would say, He should love the most important entity that exists. It makes since for Him to work toward the will of the one who holds the most power and is the most righteous and the most intelligent and the most worthy.
Well, who is that?
He has to love Himself most. Not because He's egomaniacal. He loves Himself most because He that is the most logical and gracious thing He can do. And even if it weren't, He would still be the most wonderful being in existence.
His love of Himself is clearly appropriate. If for one moment He loved you more than He loves Himself, the basis of all existence, the powers of all Creation and beyond, would suddenly be focused on you, instead of Himself and that cannot be.
It would make no sense for Him to love us more than He loves Himself.
It was clear that Jesus, God the Son, loved God the Father more than He loved any human on earth. Everything in His life was done for the Glory of the Father.
And to a redeemed person like me, this makes all sense and clears my head so much.
Everything is centered around God, because everything has to be. All creation cries out His glory because it has no other choice. It's existence is a huge neon sign.
I used to think that meant that all of the natural stuff of the world was so amazing, it cried out His existence, and I still think that's part of it.
But that's not what it means. Look at your shoes right now. You are wearing shoes right? Ok, look at your mouse and/or keyboard, or something man-made.
You see that that thing exists? You can feel it and touch it, right? It is calling out the very existence of God by being there, in your hands.
The fact it exists is proof of Him.
I don't need that as proof, though. These are signs and wonders revealed, but nothing that will call me in to Him.
He calls me.
He pulls me toward Himself with such love that I can't stand it. I can't understand how He loves us at all.
We are merely specs of nothingness, or we were...
When Jesus died on that cross, His worth was not the worth of one human life. For then, maybe, just maybe, He could have died that one human could live and approach the Father. But then He couldn't have come back.
The fact that He not only died, but came back, shows that He was worth far more than all the humans He died for.
He was worth enough to have so much change left over that it was as if nothing was given.
But something was.
Enough to make us more valuable than we could imagine. We are precious to Him because of the price paid.
Let me put it like this, if you go to the store today and purchase two items, one for $1 and the other for $2300, no matter what the items were (and feel free to imagine what each would be) the one worth 2300 times as much would be the one you take care of and handle carefully.
You might even take and spend more just to make sure it's taken care of. Well, He paid so much for us, He didn't need to purchase insurance seperately.
We are worth so much to Him, but that's not why He died for us. Nope.
He didn't die and pay that price because you're great, good, or because He knew you'd say some little prayer.
He died because He loved us. Remember that He loves Himself most, because He is most worthy of it, not us. Just like we love Him most because He is most worthy, not us. Just like all Creation loves Him most, because He is most worthy, not us.
Except that His love is perfect. And that includes His love for us.
And why did He love us?
Because He loved us.
We are taught that God is Love, right? And He is.
We are taught that He loves us more than we could ever love ourselves and His love is greater than the love shown by all of Creation. We are also to love Him more than we love anything or anyone else.
Thou shalt have no other god before Me. Right?
I want to make one thing clear, here. I'm of course, only talking to believers. The rest of you... well, this isn't written to you, but feel free to read it.
So, we shall have no other god, and love him with everything. Great. But what do we get in return?
God, who do you love the most?
Who do you think He loves most?
Well, let's look at this. Here's some evidence... He created us. He allows us to live as sinful, disdainful, horrible people. He sent His Son to be the One Atonement of our sins.
Hmmm, He seems to love us a lot, doesn't He?
But we already addressed that. He loves us more than we could possible imagine.
So who does He love the most?
Well, let's look at the evidence we have.
Was God lonely or sad or incomplete without us? Is that why He created us? No. Heaven forbid we think that. He was, is, always will be perfect, lovely, Holy, and complete.
So, He didn't need us.
Was He ok with our sin? Did He decide to just put up with it for the purpose of not having us be failures? No. Heaven forbid we think this, either. He hates our sin. He wants us to be perfect, like God the Son, Jesus, was, is, always will be. We can't live up to that, so His mercy grants us another breath, for now. But He does not and did not "put up with" our sin. He hates sin so much that when it was all poured on His perfect Son, He struck Him down and killed Him. Many humans will be going to hell because of not accepting this payment for our sins.
So, He didn't just say it's ok that we sin. He forgave us through a just and righteous payment.
Ok, so He loves us, but the evidence doesn't point to any reason. So why would He love us most if there is no reason? (btw, all reasoning is not the only reasoning you can pull from the Bible, but the reasoning most familiar with the modern American Christian)
Well, let's look at this.
What or who should He love most?
I would say, He should love the most important entity that exists. It makes since for Him to work toward the will of the one who holds the most power and is the most righteous and the most intelligent and the most worthy.
Well, who is that?
He has to love Himself most. Not because He's egomaniacal. He loves Himself most because He that is the most logical and gracious thing He can do. And even if it weren't, He would still be the most wonderful being in existence.
His love of Himself is clearly appropriate. If for one moment He loved you more than He loves Himself, the basis of all existence, the powers of all Creation and beyond, would suddenly be focused on you, instead of Himself and that cannot be.
It would make no sense for Him to love us more than He loves Himself.
It was clear that Jesus, God the Son, loved God the Father more than He loved any human on earth. Everything in His life was done for the Glory of the Father.
And to a redeemed person like me, this makes all sense and clears my head so much.
Everything is centered around God, because everything has to be. All creation cries out His glory because it has no other choice. It's existence is a huge neon sign.
I used to think that meant that all of the natural stuff of the world was so amazing, it cried out His existence, and I still think that's part of it.
But that's not what it means. Look at your shoes right now. You are wearing shoes right? Ok, look at your mouse and/or keyboard, or something man-made.
You see that that thing exists? You can feel it and touch it, right? It is calling out the very existence of God by being there, in your hands.
The fact it exists is proof of Him.
I don't need that as proof, though. These are signs and wonders revealed, but nothing that will call me in to Him.
He calls me.
He pulls me toward Himself with such love that I can't stand it. I can't understand how He loves us at all.
We are merely specs of nothingness, or we were...
When Jesus died on that cross, His worth was not the worth of one human life. For then, maybe, just maybe, He could have died that one human could live and approach the Father. But then He couldn't have come back.
The fact that He not only died, but came back, shows that He was worth far more than all the humans He died for.
He was worth enough to have so much change left over that it was as if nothing was given.
But something was.
Enough to make us more valuable than we could imagine. We are precious to Him because of the price paid.
Let me put it like this, if you go to the store today and purchase two items, one for $1 and the other for $2300, no matter what the items were (and feel free to imagine what each would be) the one worth 2300 times as much would be the one you take care of and handle carefully.
You might even take and spend more just to make sure it's taken care of. Well, He paid so much for us, He didn't need to purchase insurance seperately.
We are worth so much to Him, but that's not why He died for us. Nope.
He didn't die and pay that price because you're great, good, or because He knew you'd say some little prayer.
He died because He loved us. Remember that He loves Himself most, because He is most worthy of it, not us. Just like we love Him most because He is most worthy, not us. Just like all Creation loves Him most, because He is most worthy, not us.
Except that His love is perfect. And that includes His love for us.
And why did He love us?
Because He loved us.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
A New Creature
Image via Wikipedia
It comes with many different translations, including the Message, KJV, NIV, NLT, many languages, like Japanese, Spanish, and many more. If you don't enjoy reading on your phone or computer, you can use it to track the reading and just pull out a Bible to read the appropriate chapter.
Well, as I've been reading it, the God of the Angel Armies has spoken to me about many things. Mostly my sin. I'm a horrible sinner,and I was born that way. I've heard it's a terminal condition. Fortunately the Counselor spoke to me about my sin and laid a guilt so heavy about one particular sin that I couldn't shake it.
He weighed on my heart until I confessed it and shared it. I'm not going into detail about all of it, but I will share some of it. As I shared this with my wife... I confessed to her, because she is my best friend and He has used her to help me grow closer to Him repeatedly... He opened my eyes to the fact that I was consumed too much with our modern culture.
My television consumption consisted of stuff I would have been ashamed to watch with Jesus, or even my children. I watched 24, How I Met Your Mother, Heroes, and more. Much more. I deleted over 40 subscriptions from my Hulu account alone.
I'm not saying this to brag. It's nothing to brag about. I am ashamed of what I was watching and how much. I can't stand it.
But, I couldn't stop watching those shows.
I was writing my novel every night. I nearly finished it. I'm probably 20 hours of work away from being ready to publish.
I wanted to publish it.
I wanted to be a writer, with a book out, but I felt His weight on me about how my book wasn't what He wanted.
I fought that.
I wanted to write so bad, and maybe one day I will. But not now. My family needs me to be there for them. I was spending so little time with my family that I knew I had to stop writing, watching crap that didn't matter, and living in video games and fantasy worlds.
I was evil. I am evil. I know that. God tells me that. "8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to forgive us the sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
10 If we say that we haven’t sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us." 1st John 1:8-10.
I have sin and can't deny it. I have a desire to go out into the world, share the Word, spread His Love and His gift... but first I needed to get myself right. I needed to get my family right.
I'm taking care of those things now.
I already know the next step, but not until He says I'm ready.
So, I've been reading the Bible, and the Lord has been breaking me. He has been tearing my heart apart and it hasn't felt good, but the healing between the hurt has been amazing. I have had the best 24 days of my life in the past 24 days, and that includes the double ear infection, sinus infection, kids with the same, etc.
I have been a typical American "Christian" who just asked Jesus into his heart and went about his day for a long time. Sure, I listened to Christian music, and some that would make me cringe in the presence of Jesus. I was playing games that I wouldn't allow near my children, but I'd allow them near myself and my wife.
I praise God that He kept me alive long enough to see that I was never broken over my sin, because I was broken the other day.
I plan to post more about my journey, but this was just an update. So if I've been different, or distant recently, know that it's because I am. I am focused on my Savior and my Lord more than ever and I hope it increases until the fire consumes me.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Shout Out
Darkness does consume those who let it fester,
But in my waking tomb my God always does pester.
The mucked and mired soul with which I failed to live,
Was but a rotting hole, a shell with which I'd give
Nothing to another, not even time of day,
Ignore my loving brother and whittle time away.
My life was truly lowly and so would have remained
If not for the One Holy who rid my heart of pain.
The desperation cast aside,
My heart was fully opened!
The weight on me became so light,
He swiftly removed the burden.
But what did I owe him for such a deed?
I surely couldn't pay it.
He died for me on Calvary
And now I can't contain it.
But in my waking tomb my God always does pester.
The mucked and mired soul with which I failed to live,
Was but a rotting hole, a shell with which I'd give
Nothing to another, not even time of day,
Ignore my loving brother and whittle time away.
My life was truly lowly and so would have remained
If not for the One Holy who rid my heart of pain.
The desperation cast aside,
My heart was fully opened!
The weight on me became so light,
He swiftly removed the burden.
But what did I owe him for such a deed?
I surely couldn't pay it.
He died for me on Calvary
And now I can't contain it.
Monday, January 25, 2010
To change my face and hide behind another innocent fellow
Would be a pleasure, welcome and kind, if only it could be so.
The pain's a rack, tearing my soul, and only One can help me.
The other one, he cranks and claws, trying hard and winning.
His whips and lashings leave me raw, blood from my heart rains.
But through the pain He sends an angel, she released the chains.
For though my crime was against her, whose love I don't deserve,
She sets me free and works to prove the Love of the One she serves.
- to my loving wife
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Would be a pleasure, welcome and kind, if only it could be so.
The pain's a rack, tearing my soul, and only One can help me.
The other one, he cranks and claws, trying hard and winning.
His whips and lashings leave me raw, blood from my heart rains.
But through the pain He sends an angel, she released the chains.
For though my crime was against her, whose love I don't deserve,
She sets me free and works to prove the Love of the One she serves.
- to my loving wife
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Amazing Grace
Tell me, Lord, what can I do
To get Your saving grace?
I tell you, son, there's none for you.
You cannot earn your way.
I'll feed the hungry, help the lame,
And even sell my rings.
Your sin's too great for you to tame,
You cannot buy these things.
I love the poor and care for kids,
I even share Your Word.
Your works are naught, you fight your Id,
I do not think you've heard.
What can I do before You now,
I'm prostrate at your feet.
I tell you, son, there's no way how,
My grace is all you need.
To get Your saving grace?
I tell you, son, there's none for you.
You cannot earn your way.
I'll feed the hungry, help the lame,
And even sell my rings.
Your sin's too great for you to tame,
You cannot buy these things.
I love the poor and care for kids,
I even share Your Word.
Your works are naught, you fight your Id,
I do not think you've heard.
What can I do before You now,
I'm prostrate at your feet.
I tell you, son, there's no way how,
My grace is all you need.
The Terrorist
The terrorist inside of me is laughing once again
He escaped and was set free
I cannot put him in
He hurts the ones I love and causes me great pain
He hates and harms and envies
He loves to make it rain
This terrorist is evil, I wish it were not true
His schemes and temperaments I know
I predict what he will do
He'll find the weak spots quickly and set his sights on them
Prepare a trap and place it
Then he'll lure you "Come right in."
When you're there you're his and he loves to play his game
So he picks up sticks and stones
And he breaks them just the same
He's a hated, evil scoundrel and I keep him locked up tight
His boundaries, nonexistent
His chains, shiny and bright
I cannot lock him up now, he's such an evil soul
I'll need to call on Him to help me
He escaped and was set free
I cannot put him in
He hurts the ones I love and causes me great pain
He hates and harms and envies
He loves to make it rain
This terrorist is evil, I wish it were not true
His schemes and temperaments I know
I predict what he will do
He'll find the weak spots quickly and set his sights on them
Prepare a trap and place it
Then he'll lure you "Come right in."
When you're there you're his and he loves to play his game
So he picks up sticks and stones
And he breaks them just the same
He's a hated, evil scoundrel and I keep him locked up tight
His boundaries, nonexistent
His chains, shiny and bright
I cannot lock him up now, he's such an evil soul
I'll need to call on Him to help me
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